gr1dflow – Exploring recursive ontologies

gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.

Perlin Sphere GLSL to Quarz Composer

Created by Cybero, the following are Quarz Composer video renders of a Perlin Sphere GLSL shader. Originally developed by Inigo Quilez and ported to QC with added audio interactivity , two texture channels, [noise and waveform image] and audio specific calculations and rotations.

Embers by TDA – 1 kilobyte to rule them all!

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Playing With GLSL in Processing – Initial Experiments [Tutorials]

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Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes

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Cloud Pink by Everyware – Another world above…

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Shaders, Geometry, and the Kinect – Part 1 [Cinder, Tutorials]

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Particle Field Form Finding [Processing]

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Fractal Lab [WebApp]

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Cindermedusae [Cinder]

Created by Marcin Ignac and yet another project selected for the WrittenImages book, Cindermedusae is a generative encyclopedia of imaginary sea creatures.

BioRhythm [openFrameworks, Mac]

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gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.

Created by Kynd in collaboration with Yu Miyashita (Sound), ‘Expressions’ is a series of artworks exploring the physicality of thick and bold paint-like dynamic constructs that emerge from illuminated digital space revealing an intricate play of shapes, light and shadow.

SFPC tutor Celine Wong Katzman reflects on yet another successful session at the artist run school in New York.

Created by Richard Vijgen, ‘Hertzian Landscapes’ is a live visualization of the radio spectrum. It includes a digital receiver to scan large swaths of radio spectrum in near real-time and using Three.js visualises thousands of signals into a panoramic electromagnetic landscape.

Created by Neil Mendoza, One Degree of Freedom explores interactive projection mapping as a means to touch and interact with an object. Drawing inspiration from marble and pinball machines, the installation gives the mapping illusion an extra layer of depth.

Created by Cybero, the following are Quarz Composer video renders of a Perlin Sphere GLSL shader. Originally developed by Inigo Quilez and ported to QC with added audio interactivity , two texture channels, [noise and waveform image] and audio specific calculations and rotations.

Ghost is an interactive installation of a snow storm, raging within an abandoned, barren landscape. Within this storm the visitor can make out a procession of human forms which seemingly try to find a way out. The bodies are remnants of the previous visitors, their ghosts, trapped in the hostile environment.

From custom geometry to adding textures to 2D and 3D shapes, Amnon Owed shows you practical examples of a number of crucial building blocks for 2D/3D Processing projects.

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Category: c++ / Cinder / Members / Tutorials
Tags: / / / / / /

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Created by Marcin Ignac and yet another project selected for the WrittenImages book, Cindermedusae is a generative encyclopedia of imaginary sea creatures.

Category: Cinder / Members
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