Sazen City: A cartography of digital memories

Sazen City is a digital collaborative platform designed to stitch shared memories into a cohesive digital landscape. By integrating both individual and collective experiences in the form of postcards, the project seeks to create a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape.


Sazen City is a digital collaborative platform designed to stitch shared memories into a cohesive digital landscape. By integrating both individual and collective experiences in the form of postcards, the project seeks to create a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape.

Surrogate is a body of work centred around issues of reproductive technology and bodily autonomy comprised of a series of physical and performative inputs and outputs to engage and provoke conversations about the topic.

Created by Dries Depoorter and currently exhibited at the New Media Gallery, ‘Seattle Crime Cams’ questions the sense of citizens responsibility in the age where technology has enabled us to participate globally.

‘PERACH’ is a biofeedback art installation that allows visitors to ‘feel’ the interior electrical happenings of their plants. Perach consists of a multi-sensor IoT device along with a web platform that provides visitors with the ability to hear, and visually perceive the changes taking place inside plants.

Created by Ignacio Pérez (ECAL MID), is a critical tool that questions our models of manufacturing and consumption, exploiting the control of creation algorithms in order to interrogate current patterns of design, production and legislation.

‘Invisible Network’ is a portable device that makes communication between machines perceptible and tangible. This device acts as a mediator between the user and the machines that surround him. Through its screen, it indicates the relations that it maintains with its personal environment.

Created by Dries Depoorter, ’24h Sunrise/Sunset’ is an installation that displays a realtime sunset and sunrise somewhere happening in the world with the use of CCTV.

Category: Arduino / Members / Python
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Created by Elise Migraine at ECAL, “Twin Objects” is a collection of devices (Tits Me, Pianoze, and Dual Drums) designed to act as a ‘hotline’ in attempt to nurture intimacy and telepresence that long-distance relationships need.