Homo Ludens’ Playground – Mattia Casalegno

Mattia Casalegno (multifaceted Italian artist based in Los Angeles, 1981) takes inspiration from disciplines such as anthropology, biology, ecology, and neurosciences, deploying a vast array of technologies and expressive forms, with a natural inclination for new media languages.


Mattia Casalegno (multifaceted Italian artist based in Los Angeles, 1981) takes inspiration from disciplines such as anthropology, biology, ecology, and neurosciences, deploying a vast array of technologies and expressive forms, with a natural inclination for new media languages.

Created by Mattia Casalegno and presented in collaboration with the chef Flavio Ghignoni Carestia, the Aerobanquets RMX is an immersive, sensorial experience focussed on the perception of taste.