The Subject Changes – Virtual body as an encoded aesthetic artefact

Created by Vienna based Depart (Leonhard Lass and Gregor Ladenhauf), ‘The Subject Changes‘ is a poetic live simulation of a capricious character, endlessly shape-shifting while negotiating his/her ambiguous world.

The character sets out on an indefinite dérive – a frantic exploration – where fragile relationships with the world-cum-stage and its occupants are established or broken down. His/her state is ornately reflected in a constantly mutating attire, a fluctuating embodied masquerade — the virtual body as an encoded aesthetic artefact.

Project Page | Depart

The artwork is part of “Embodied Structures” exhibition commissioned by sound:frame/CIVA that deals with the concept of the body and its current role in sociopolitical and cultural discourses.

DEPART is Leonhard Lass and Gregor Ladenhauf. Their core endeavour is the conception of poetic, audiovisual immersions. Deeply rooted in the digital they explore the ritualistic character of algorithms and venture deliberately into the uncanny – creating unique moments that are coined by formally rigorous and profound aesthetics.

Previously: Depart – The Profile and The Entropy Gardens

