Rymdkapsel – New game by Martin ‘grapefrukt‘ Jonasson

It’s been a while since we at CAN were excited about an upcoming game for the iOS. Maybe it is just optimism but rymdkapsel by Martin ‘grapefrukt‘ Jonasson brings back the memories of Edge just before it was released. Besides Eliss, Edge was one of those few games that defined the iOS platform. Now, currently in development rymdkapsel may be the next one.


It’s been a while since we at CAN were excited about an upcoming game for the iOS. Maybe it is just optimism but rymdkapsel by Martin ‘grapefrukt‘ Jonasson brings back the memories of Edge just before it was released. Besides Eliss, Edge was one of those few games that defined the iOS platform. Now, currently in development rymdkapsel may be the next one.


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  • 2012/11