gr1dflow – Exploring recursive ontologies

gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.

The Case for a Small Language Model – Generative AI and Authorship

The Case for a Small Language Model is a speculative AI installation inspired by the work of Dutch composer and poet Rozalie Hirs. The installation shows the entire book printed on five 30 meter long strips of labelprinter paper that scroll in both directions As the five lines move back and forth, a vertical reading allows for new combinations to emerge.

Cytographia – Golan Levin

Cytographia is an elegy for species we will never know, or will never know again, expressed through generative illustrations from an imaginary book about imaginary organisms.

Sazen City: A cartography of digital memories

Sazen City is a digital collaborative platform designed to stitch shared memories into a cohesive digital landscape. By integrating both individual and collective experiences in the form of postcards, the project seeks to create a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape.

Web – A deterministic universe

Web is a fully on-chain generative cross-linked network of 1000 webpages on Ethereum mainnet. All pages and the links between them are generated and form a deterministic universe.

A knot in motion: on the accident of rain

Build upon the fiction of a knot tied between the two tropical lines along the Atlantic forest in Jundiaí (BR) and the tropical desert in El Kharja oasis (EG), the project gathers and ties together voices from artists based within the tropics speaking with and about the tropical rain through their local perspectives.

KRILLER – Globally synced broadcast of synth-soaked ambient software

KRILLER is an eternally looping, seven day, globally synced audio-visual broadcast of synth soaked ambient software (online) experience. The weeklong broadcast is divided into 6300 software art ‘cassettes’, each bound to a specific moment of time during the week, minted by its fabricator, and seamlessly fusing with its predecessor and successor to form audiovisual duets and mashups.


gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.

Stream of Consciousness is a daily performance revealing the thoughts of an imaginary artist creating and sharing images in real time. Observe the act of inspiration unfolding one idea at a time in this boundary-blurring social experiment and ponder the nature of art and creativity in the age of AI.

Created by Fabin Rasheed, The Dreamcatcher Project endeavours to “photograph” dream imagery and explore its ties to waking life and its impact on psychological healing.

The Case for a Small Language Model is a speculative AI installation inspired by the work of Dutch composer and poet Rozalie Hirs. The installation shows the entire book printed on five 30 meter long strips of labelprinter paper that scroll in both directions As the five lines move back and forth, a vertical reading allows for new combinations to emerge.

Live code-able video synth and coding environment that runs directly in the browser, created by Naoto Hieda in collaboration with Pițipunk singer and artist IIOANA.

Cytographia is an elegy for species we will never know, or will never know again, expressed through generative illustrations from an imaginary book about imaginary organisms.

Category: NFT

Sazen City is a digital collaborative platform designed to stitch shared memories into a cohesive digital landscape. By integrating both individual and collective experiences in the form of postcards, the project seeks to create a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape.

Web is a fully on-chain generative cross-linked network of 1000 webpages on Ethereum mainnet. All pages and the links between them are generated and form a deterministic universe.

Build upon the fiction of a knot tied between the two tropical lines along the Atlantic forest in Jundiaí (BR) and the tropical desert in El Kharja oasis (EG), the project gathers and ties together voices from artists based within the tropics speaking with and about the tropical rain through their local perspectives.

KRILLER is an eternally looping, seven day, globally synced audio-visual broadcast of synth soaked ambient software (online) experience. The weeklong broadcast is divided into 6300 software art ‘cassettes’, each bound to a specific moment of time during the week, minted by its fabricator, and seamlessly fusing with its predecessor and successor to form audiovisual duets and mashups.