The Case for a Small Language Model – Generative AI and Authorship

The Case for a Small Language Model is a speculative AI installation inspired by the work of Dutch composer and poet Rozalie Hirs. The installation shows the entire book printed on five 30 meter long strips of labelprinter paper that scroll in both directions As the five lines move back and forth, a vertical reading allows for new combinations to emerge.

Another Moon – Kimchi and Chips

Created by Kimchi and Chips, ‘Another Moon’ is a large-scale outdoor apparition that creates a technically sublime second moon in the sky. 40 towers collect the sun’s energy during the day and project that light back into the sky at night, creating a second moon overhead.

Material Sequencer – Physical materiality of sound

‘Material Sequencer’ is an 8-step electromechanical sequencer, designed to emphasise the physical materiality of sound and sound production. The simple usb-powered sound-sculpture takes the sequencing process outside the black box and into the acoustic realm, flaunting its materiality and physicality.


The Case for a Small Language Model is a speculative AI installation inspired by the work of Dutch composer and poet Rozalie Hirs. The installation shows the entire book printed on five 30 meter long strips of labelprinter paper that scroll in both directions As the five lines move back and forth, a vertical reading allows for new combinations to emerge.

Created by Kimchi and Chips, ‘Another Moon’ is a large-scale outdoor apparition that creates a technically sublime second moon in the sky. 40 towers collect the sun’s energy during the day and project that light back into the sky at night, creating a second moon overhead.

‘Material Sequencer’ is an 8-step electromechanical sequencer, designed to emphasise the physical materiality of sound and sound production. The simple usb-powered sound-sculpture takes the sequencing process outside the black box and into the acoustic realm, flaunting its materiality and physicality.