Bridging to Physical – 3 Projects by Lara Defayes

Created by Lara Defayes at ECAL, UV Map, Vanishing Shades and FOMO Survival Kit are a series of project produced during her studies at the art and design school in Lausanne, Switzerland. All three projects, and others that can be viewed on her website, explore the contradictions and opportunities of digital in physical.


Created by Matteo Zamagni, “Horror Vacui” is a non-narrative film that explores geological formations of Earth and the frenetic hyper-development attained by humankind.

Created by Lara Defayes at ECAL, UV Map, Vanishing Shades and FOMO Survival Kit are a series of project produced during her studies at the art and design school in Lausanne, Switzerland. All three projects, and others that can be viewed on her website, explore the contradictions and opportunities of digital in physical.

Created by Quadrature, Kartograph is a drawing machine that updates old maps by drawing new geographic data over the infrastructure of old times using the internet.

What can only be described as a visual exploration of topography using computer interface, Wanderings 2.0 is the latest in the exquisite portfolios of work by London based in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Ed­gor Kraft and Saint Petersburg’s Alexander Lezius.

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Created by Marc Faasse, Playground NDSM is an interactive photomontage that includes 7 years of photographs taken by Marc and mapped on the googlemaps.

Kim Asendorf uses Google Maps to explore incomprehensive complexity of landscape as colour and pattern.