Elisava has partnered with the creative research lab IAM to launch a new Master in Design for Responsible Artificial Intelligence, a part-time and low residency programme that brings together designers, strategists, trend researchers, futurists, new media artists, cultural producers, journalists and creative technologists to tackle precisely these kinds of questions.

Call for Researchers to join Antikythera

Applications are now open for Antikythera’s Studio, which will host 15-18 international, interdisciplinary Studio Researchers from February to June 2023. The program is free and includes a housing provision and a monthly stipend of 4000 USD (or equivalent when not in Los Angeles). All travel and other associated program costs will also be covered by the program.

MAN-NAHĀTA – The land of many hills

In their continued effort to seek out an equilibrium between man-made and nature, MAN-NAHĀTA is the latest project by OXMAN (previously Mediated Matter Group at the MIT Media Lab). The project is a top-down master planning braved by bottom-up-design in the place where the grid was once a garden.

Floating Codes – The (spatial) topology of an artificial neural network

‘Floating Codes’ is a site-specific light and sound installation that explores the inner workings and hidden aesthetics of artificial neural networks – the fundamental building blocks of machine learning systems or artificial intelligence. The exhibition space itself becomes a neural network that processes information, its constantly alternating environment (light conditions/day-night cycle) including the presence of the visitors.

On Framing Textile Ambiguities – Nathalie Gebert

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Terra Mars – ANN’s topography of Mars in the visual style of Earth

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Postgram – A bot for ‘human storytelling’

Created by Sebastian Vargas at ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Postgram is a bot for human storytelling that explores issues of public data, privacy and image making using a process of “fair hack” to develop a story narrative. It speculate about the social network behaviour and search for new possibilities for film content.

Making Images Computationally – JiGaZo [oF, Games]

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Automaton [iPhone]

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Data Bugs is an immersive emotional installation that makes tangible and experiential the working mechanism of a neural network, demystifying the omnipotence that is too often attributed to AI.

LOW·AI BOX is an AI machine art that includes a transparent machine structure, an AI system, a sensor system, and an IoT system.

Serena Cangiano reviews “Perfect Behaviours – life redesigned by the algorithm” curated by Giorgio Olivero and on show in Turin, Italy’s OGR Officine Grandi Riparazioni.

Sun Thinking is an online group show that brings together artists and writers to explore some of the themes and questions central to the Solar Protocol.

Elisava has partnered with the creative research lab IAM to launch a new Master in Design for Responsible Artificial Intelligence, a part-time and low residency programme that brings together designers, strategists, trend researchers, futurists, new media artists, cultural producers, journalists and creative technologists to tackle precisely these kinds of questions.

Applications are now open for Antikythera’s Studio, which will host 15-18 international, interdisciplinary Studio Researchers from February to June 2023. The program is free and includes a housing provision and a monthly stipend of 4000 USD (or equivalent when not in Los Angeles). All travel and other associated program costs will also be covered by the program.

In their continued effort to seek out an equilibrium between man-made and nature, MAN-NAHĀTA is the latest project by OXMAN (previously Mediated Matter Group at the MIT Media Lab). The project is a top-down master planning braved by bottom-up-design in the place where the grid was once a garden.

‘Floating Codes’ is a site-specific light and sound installation that explores the inner workings and hidden aesthetics of artificial neural networks – the fundamental building blocks of machine learning systems or artificial intelligence. The exhibition space itself becomes a neural network that processes information, its constantly alternating environment (light conditions/day-night cycle) including the presence of the visitors.

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Created by Yuri Suzuki Design in collaboration with High Atlanta, Sonic Playground is an outdoor sound installation that features ingenious, colourful sculptures that modify and transmit sound in unusual, engaging and playful ways.

Created by Schnellebuntebilder, four installs now on display at the ZCOM Zuse Computer Museum in Hoyerswerda, Germany, capture and celebrate the pioneering work of Konrad Zuse, famed German engineer and inventor whose biggest achievement, the 1941 Turing-complete programmable computer Z3, is regarded to be the world’s first of its kind.

Created by Julian Oliver and commissioned by the Konstmuseet i Skövde, HARVEST is a work of critical engineering and computational climate art. It uses wind-energy to mine cryptocurrency, the earnings of which are used as a source of funding for climate-change research.

‘How much should we let algorithms shape our lives?’ is the question at the heart of Ed Finn’s recent book “What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing”. Scanning Silicon Valley, computer science, and the cultural sphere alike it offers a smart and accessible reading of our current moment.

Created by Thomas Grogan, Floral Automaton is a sculptural device that grows flowers digitally. Using various sensors taken from Smart Cities technologies, it reacts and adapts itself to its environment in real time.

Created by Seoul based duo Kimchi and Chips, “The Light Barrier Third Edition” is the latest and largest in the series of works by the studio to create volumetric drawings in the air using hundreds of calibrated video projections.

A meditation on several recent Troika projects that render cellular automata with dice and anodised aluminium rather than pixels on a screen. Realized over the last four years, these works demonstrate how a prolonged investigation into a rudimentary approach can yield rich dividends.

In the final week of the last year’s fall 10-week program at the School for Poetic Computation (SFPC), students presented their work in progress and its underly ideas in a public showcase. Here is a selection of projects that were presented.

Created by Berlin based Ralf Baecker, Random Access Memory is a fully functional digital memory. Instead of operating on semi-conducting components to represent either the binary states of 0 (zero) or 1 (one), the memory uses grains of sand as storage material.

Created by Pedro Lopes, Doğa Yüksel, François Guimbretière, and Patrick Baudisch at the Hasso Plattner Institut, Muscle-Plotter is an assistive interface that allows hand-drawn computation using EMS muscles actuation.

After the experiments in physical programming in the “Traces” project we reported on last year, Dana Zelig decided to examine the possibility of adjusting the plastic to fabrics, by means of pressing them together, allowing the heat to manipulate the plastic, and the manipulated plastic to effect the adjusted fabric.

Created by Sebastian Vargas at ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Postgram is a bot for human storytelling that explores issues of public data, privacy and image making using a process of “fair hack” to develop a story narrative. It speculate about the social network behaviour and search for new possibilities for film content.

Latest in the series of mesmerising installations by ART+COM is À la recherche, a site specific installation that covers the surrounding walls of a newly refurbished legendary Les Bains nightclub in scattered points of reflected light.

Created by Bryan Ma at Parsons, Definitions is a computational poetry installation made up of 15 networked LCDs that searches MIT’s ConceptNet to serve as a metaphor for the use of NLP in commoditizing human activity on the internet.

Project explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication by using silk threads laid down by a CNC machine followed by a swarm of 6,500 silkworms spinning flat non-woven silk patches.

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1-27 of 27


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